外国哲学教研室 主任: 吴天岳




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Zhao, Bin. (forthcoming). “On Mentioning Belief-Formation Methods in the Sensitivity Subjunctives.” Ergo.


Zhao, Bin. (forthcoming). “On Relativizing the Sensitivity Condition to Belief-Formation Methods.” American Philosophical Quarterly.


Zhao, Bin. (forthcoming). “On Translating the Sensitivity Condition to the Possible Worlds Idiom in Different Ways.” American Philosophical Quarterly.


Becker, Kelly, & Zhao, Bin. (2023). “Modal Epistemology.” In Duncan Pritchard (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.


Zhao, Bin. (2023). “Induction, Conjunction Introduction, and Safety.” Philosophy, 98 (4): 477–483.


Zhao, Bin. (2022). “A Dilemma for Globalized Safety.” Acta Analytica, 37: 249–261.


Zhao, Bin. (2022). “Epistemic Closure, Necessary Truths, and Safety.” American Philosophical Quarterly, 59 (4): 391–401.


Zhao, Bin. (2022). “Knowledge from Falsehood, Ignorance of Necessary Truths, and Safety.” Philosophia, 50: 833–845.


Zhao, Bin. (2022). “Sensitivity, Safety, and Epistemic Closure.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 30 (1): 56–71.


Zhao, Bin. (2021). “Can Infinitists Handle the Finite Mind Objection and the Distinction Objection?” Philosophia, 49: 2275–2291.